God saw faith

The means wouldn’t have mattered, God saw faith. I have been on a bible plan that is working through the whole Bible for 102 days now. (Praise God for His consistency!) In today’s reading, we came upon the well known, and well shared story of David facing the Giant Goliath & God empowering him to… Continue reading God saw faith

“Writing from the thick of it”: Entry 05.

“Train your ear for hearing faith’s voice.” Train your ear to listen for faith, not fear. Though fear seems loudest in those moments, and triggers…even after the battle is over…and the calm after the storm comes…train your ear for hearing Faith. What have I walked away with from all of this? Several things…as I hope… Continue reading “Writing from the thick of it”: Entry 05.

Promises Held in the face of covid-19 (Pt. 2)

This is a continuation of an original post series. To see the original post, here is the link: https://letyoulead.wordpress.com/2021/10/02/promises-i-held-to-during-covid-19-pt-1/ Promise #2 Isaiah 55:11 “It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.“ A… Continue reading Promises Held in the face of covid-19 (Pt. 2)